Btw: This is a non selling - non profit - private whisky website - Prices are only street prices for your information.

Brand/Mærke Age/Year Type Score Approx:   
Price/Ca. pris Dkr.
Glen Ord 12 Scotch Single Malt 7/9 300,- It shines - not burn. 
A bit malt - medium smoke - medium palate. A good whisky for beginners.
The price is a huge advantage.
Oban 14 Scotch Single Malt 9 495,-. A bit sweet but very soft.
One of the Six Classic Malts of Scotland
Glengoyne 17 Scotch Single Malt 8/9 485,-. Scotch Southern Highland malt.    
Also one of CP's favorite.
We're also testing a 1970 Vintage !
Ardbeg 1974 Scotch Single Malt 8/9 995,-. Smoke on the water. (One of the most smokey whiskies we ever tasted.)
Long strong aftertaste - But expensive !
Cask strengh.
10 Islay Single Malt - cask strengh 8/9 ?,- If you like Islay - Smokey whiskies with palate.
We recomend you to add water it's cask.
Knockando Aprox 15 Scotch Single Malt 8/9 350,-. Speyside malt. 1980 bottled in 1995.    
CP's favorite. (Yep he likes sweet whiskies.)
Cragganmore 12 Scotch Single Highland Malt 8 400,- One of the six Classic Malts of Scotland.
A Highland Speyside malt.
Balvenie Single Barrel 15 Single malt Single Barrel 7/8 585,- Perhaps some water to reduce the alcohol percent.
Bottled by hand
Bunnahabhain 12 Scotch Islay 7/8 ? 40% - ! First impression is : This is not a Islay.
Soft good whisky.
Highland Park 12 Scotch Island Malt. 7/8 350,- A happy surprise. This is a whisky we could recommend to anyone.
Beginners as well as Malt lovers.
(Thanks to HT introducing this whisky to us.)
Lagavulin 16 Scotch Islay Malt 7/8 450,- Smoke get's in your eyes... This is Scotch.. 
Classic Malts of Scotland. 
Very smoky and long palate  One of a kind.
Better for each time you taste it...
This whisky is very powerful - not recomended to beginners.
This was the first Islay we tried and to be honest - We got scared.
Laphroaig 10 Islay Single Malt 7/8 500,- If you like Islay - Smokey whiskies.
You can almost taste the sea.
Edradour 10 Scotch Highland South Single Malt 7/8 350,- The smallest still in Scotland.
Not bad... a bit malt.
A all-round whisky like Glen Ord but with a bit more character.
One of GI's favorite.
Scapa 12 Scotch Highland Orkney Island 7/8 395,- Hmmm.. a bit malt n salty.
All-round whisky.
Perhaps after a light dinner ?
(My dog doesn't like it :)
Balvenie 10 Single malt 7/8 385,- A bit Sweet.
Glenfiddich Excellence 18 Scotch Malt 7/8 1000,- To expensive... Nice bottle.. :-}
Guess you could serve this whisky to a party.
Royal Salute 21 Scotch Blended. 7/8 1000,- To expensive... Nice bottle.. :-}
My dad likes it in his Coffee
Glenkinchie 10 Scotch Lowland. 7 395,- Medium - Good beginner Whisky.
A Classic Malts of Scotland.
Bruichladdich 15 Single Islay Malt 7 ? The first bottle came never return with us from Cos / Greece
Thanx to Doe this was introduced again. A 'medium' Islay.
Glenmorangie 10 Single Northern Highland 7 ? Medium with a bit smoke.
The 18 years old is even better with more body/aftertaste and palate.
Glenlivet Archive 15 Scotch Highland 7 ? Medium.  
Hmm. backwards taste.
Glenlivet 12 Scotch Highland 6/7 300,- Still ok - but....
Talisker 10 Scotch Island Skye - Malt 6/7 400,- If you like it a bit smoky....  
(My dog does. :)  
Classic Malts of Scotland.
J & B Special Reserve. 15 Scotch Blended. 6 ? 250,- dkr. Taxfree 1 liter.   
A bit like Royal Salute but much not so expensive.
We're also testing J & B Ultima.
Cardhu 12 Scotch 6 475,- Hey.. its all right.. 
(My mother like this to !) 
Hey HT came home from Nepal with a bottle :) Thanx a lot.
Even my dog like this one... :)
Suntory ? Japanese Malt 5/6 650,- Not that bad at all.
Didn't know Japanese could make whisky/whiskey.
Ballentines Gold Seal 12 Scotch Blended. 5/6 315,- Yahh... getting closer...   
With ice this is not to bad.
The Macallan 12 Scotch Single Malt. 5/6 379,- Desert whisky ???... 
A bit sweet.
Connemara x Irish Malt 5/6 ?,- One of the Best Irish Pot still we tasted. 
Bushmills Malt 16 Irish Malt 5/6 550,- Best Irish we tasted.  
Matured on tree different casks.  
Bourbon, Sherry and Port.
Port Ellen Vintage Scotch 5/6 775,- Pepper / Different. Salty
Glendronach 15 Scotch 5/6 475,- Desert whisky ?  
100% Matured on sherry wood.   
It's Sweet.
Johnnie Walker Black Label 12 Scotch. 5/6 300,- Hmmm....
Ballantines 30 Scotch Blended 5/6 1200,- Hey nice.... A Blended with palate and body ... but...
This is to expensive.
Get more value for your money - buy the 17 years old.
Glen Grant 5 Scotch Malt 5/6 ? Hmmmm... Not like girls..., the younger the better.... Need some years...    
Tryed it in Irish Coffee without succes.  
(Thanx to HT !)
Glenfiddich 3 Scotch - Pure Malt. 4/5 300,- (Was better when it was 12 Y.O.)
A very populare malt 'for a novice'.
Chivas Regal 12 Blended Scotch. 4/5 300,- Need some ice....
Dalwhinnie 15 Scotch Malt 4/5 400,- Spicy taste and to expencive/.
One of the six Classic Malts of Scotland. 
One of a kind.
Isle of Jura 10 Scotch 4/5 ? Perfume ? - We didn't like it, not saying you wount.
Midleton ? Irish 4/5 800,- Second best Irish whiskey. (But not malt !)
To expencive / If the price was lower this would advance.
Bushmills Malt ? Irish Malt 4 300,- One of the better Irish ones..  Value for your money.
Ballantines Finest ? Blended. 3 200,- 43%.. (Sprit ?)
Black Bush ? Blended. 3 ? Host..
Famous Grouse, The ? Blended. 3 <200,- Scotch whisky. 43%
Cardels Sches ??? ? ? 3 ? (Probably spelled wrong - PIP / CP ?)
Jameson ?   2/3 ? (John Jameson) Graaar..
Average good whiskey. The 12 year old is preferable.
Johnnie Walker Pure malt. 15 Pure Malt 2/3 ? Sorry Johnnie, but no go !
Johnnie Walker Red Label ? Blended. 2 185,- Scotch recommended to used in Irish Coffee. ???
Scotsman 8 Blended Pure Malt ! 2 198,- It's cheep - Perhaps in Irish Coffee or within cocktails.
Jack Daniel's. ? American 2 ? Sprit ! - Sorry Jack, this is a no go.
Michel Couvreur 12 Scotch/French 2 375,- No go .. / This was a bad experience.
We got our money back on this one.
(French - stick with wine - Stay away from whisky.)
Dalmore 12 Scotch 2 ? Weird orange palate. 
Guess we must 'learn' to drink this one.
One of a kind.
Tullamore Dew - Irish 1 175,- Den skal blandes med et eller andet .
Good for Irish Coffee.
Cluncy ? ? 0 110,- Arghhhh.... (Smag og navn passer vist sammen.)
King George ? ? 0 ? Ugh ! Wonder why ?
Southern Comfort Bourbon 0 ? Some call's this whisky. (We do'nt.) 
This is a whisky liqueur not whiskey.
Recommended to use in cocktail / drinks.
Canadian Club Bourbon Canadian 0 ? This is not whiskey but bourbon.
Sorry but this is not our taste.
Peter Scot ?  India 0 ? Sorry but this is not our taste. - More like rum.  
We do not want to destroy a good whisky. Each Whisky is tested dry without ice, water etc. and hand warm. Water have different taste around the world, so we do not use this while testing. Though some whiskies have a vol above 45% making it difficult to taste aroma and body etc., force us to use water. Is the taste very 'sharp', we might add ice afterwards. When testing we look at the bottle, label, wrap, smell, taste, aftertaste and price/quality. 
- - -
How you like your whisky does not matter - as long as you enjoy it....

Btw: What do we like !HT likes the smoky ones like Lagavulin ! RF likes Talisker and GI want malty ones, CP loves sweet whiskies + hey he learned to drink Lagavulin... FS is a allrounder - almost :) Dalmore/Talisker and Lagavulin isn't his taste..  MK do not like Islay but almost anything else... (Hütte) There is some 'hang-arounds/rookies' who likes different whiskies....  (Just started learning and about to find there favorite whiskies....) 
Vi ønsker ikke at ødelægge en god Whisky med is, vand eller ligende. Hvert mærke testes tør/helt rene og ved stuetemperatur, da det fremhæver den originale smag. Desuden kan en Whisky virke grumset hvis den er kold, hvilket forsvinder når den lunes lidt. Da vand har forskellig smag / kalkindhold etc. bruges dette ikke i denne test. Dette betyder dog ikke at nogle whiskies kan 'vinde' med lidt vand i !!! - smagen 'flyder' lidt mere ud... (og whiskien varer længere... he.he..) Vi må indrømme at Balvenie Single Barrel og Glengoyne Vintage med 48-50% alkohol er lige skrappe nok uden vand. 'Bidder' den, forsøges der evt. med is, for at tage toppen af den en skarpe smag - det hæmmer desværrer smagsnuancerne. Ved ovenstående pointgivning er der taget hensyn til duft, smag, eftersmag og pris i forhold til kvalitet. - - - NB : Hvem kan lide hvad. Må lige indskyde at HT er til Lagavulin og de røgede, så er der RF til Talisker, GI til dem med malt men lidt røg eller 'karakter' gør heller ikke noget , CP til de søde + hov nu også humørdrikker af Lagavulin..., og FS som er allrounder med undtagelse af  Dalmore/Talisker og Lagavulin.  Så har vi 'hang-arounds/rookies' som er til lidt af hvert...  (De er ved at lære og finde deres favoritter...)  - - - (Satser på at opdele med point efter kategori.)

 Other brands currently pending to be tested.

Remarks with small letters. / Det med småt :
The test above is made by different people with different taste
Some of us have been drinking whisky for a long periode of time others have just been started. 
The points given is based on our first impression and is only ment to be a guideline. (Taste is different.) 
It's our plan to make a Top-10 hitlist with our and Your favorite whiskies... 
This requires a woting note, that you can send from this url followed by some administration. 
It might take some time because these pages is made in my sparetime. 
If your have some html source that can do the above, I would be very happy if you would send it to me... 

BTW : We do NOT sell whisky/bourbon !

Ovenstående test er foretaget af flere forskellige personer, med 'forskellig' smag. 
Nogle af os har drukket whisky/boubon længe, andre er lige startet. 
Point er baseret på vores førstehåndsintryk, og er kun ment som en vejlledning. (Vi har jo alle forskellig smag.) 
Det er planen at denne side i fremtiden skal indeholde en top 10 over vores foretrukne whiskies og jeres. 
Dette kræver dog at jeg / vi får lavet en stemme seddel I ville kunne udfylde og efterfølgende administration. 
Har du noget html kode eller ligende der ville kunne bruges som stemmeseddel ville jeg blive ovenud lykkelig, hvis du sender det til mig. 
Da disse sider bliver lavet i min fritid.(Hvilket man jo aldrig har nok af. ) må i bære over med mig indtil da, og nøjes med ovenstående. 

NB.: Vi sælger IKKE  whisky/bourbon.


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